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Java Training & Best Java Training Institute in Ghaziabad

Best Java Training Institute in Ghaziabad

GALLANT Info is java training institute in Ghaziabad. Our training curriculum are prepared as per current industry standards and are changed as per market updates. Gallant is one of the most trust-worthy best java training institute in Ghaziabad that only give practical knowledge of the subject instead it also provides job assistance to the students.

At Gallant, separate placement cell is present to collaborate with good companies for the placement drives. We prepare our students as per market standards and arrange mock interviews for them.

We organize two different modules for Java training in our institute named as Core Java and Advance Java. Under Core Java, basics of Java programing language are covered while under advance java; complete practical knowledge of the subject will be delivered.

Why Java is important for programming?

  • It is an object-oriented language.
  • It is platform independent.
  • It gives high performance as compared to other programming languages.
  • Syntax of Java is based on C++
  • It is a robust language
  • It is architectural neutral

All the above mentioned features makes Java one of the most important programming language that has removed some complicated features to make it more easy and convenient for the programmer to code.

Java is more secured language as it has validation that makes our program more safe and secure.

There are 3 types of Java courses offered at GALLANT:

  • Core Java
  • Advance Java
  • Core and Advance Java

Three of the courses have different curriculum. Core and Advance java is a combination of first two courses.

After the successful completion of course, an individual always look for good job opportunities and we always make sure to provide that assistance to our students as per our capability.

Java never gets out of market due to its vast scope of work. Top MNCs always look for candidates that are well versed with java. We approach top MNCs for placement drives at our campus.

You are here because you want to get admitted in java training in Ghaziabad, your search ends here as Gallant offers the best java training in Ghaziabad. Join us for better learning as well as job opportunities in IT industry

Basics of JAVA
  • Basics of JAVA
  • History and features of java
  • Internals of java program
  • Internal details JAVA Development Kit(JDK)
  • About JAVA Runtime Environment(JRE)
  • Architecture of Java Virtual machine(JVM)
  • Role of Just In time compiler (JIT)
  • Unicode system
  • Naming Conventions
JAVA Overview
  • JAVA Syntax and Style
  • Data Types
  • Variables and Arrays
  • Control statements and Loop
  • Classes and Using Objects
  • Command line arguments
  • About Constructor
  • Role of Constructor in program Execution
  • Constructor chaining
  • Program Execution with memory structure
  • Discussion of (OOPS) concept
OOPS Concepts
  • Advantage of OOPs
  • Object and Class
  • Method Overloading
  • Constructor
  • static variable, method and block
  • This keyword
  • Inheritance (IS-A)
  • Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
  • Method Overriding
  • Covariant Return Type
  • Super keyword
  • Instance Initializer block
  • final keyword
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • static and Dynamic binding
  • Abstract class and Interface
  • Downcasting with instanceof operator
  • Package and Access Modifiers
  • Encapsulation
  • Object class
  • Object Cloning
  • Java Array
  • Call By Value and Call By Reference
  • strictfp keyword
  • Creating API Document
Access modifier/ Access Controls
  • Public, Private, Protected, Default
  • Static, Abstract , Final
Class Hierarchies and interfaces package
  • The import statement
  • Static imports
  • CLASSPATH and import
  • Defining Packages
  • Package scope
Exception Handling
  • Exception Handling : What and Why?
  • try and catch block
  • Multiple catch block
  • Nested try
  • finally block
  • throw keyword
  • Exception Propagation
  • throws keyword
  • Exception Handling with Method Overriding
  • Custom Exception
Nested Classes
  • Nested Class : What and Why?
  • Member Inner class
  • Annonymous Inner class
  • Local Inner class
  • static nested class
  • Nested Interface
String Handling
  • String : What and Why?
  • Immutable String
  • String Comparison
  • String Concatenation
  • Substring
  • Methods of String class
  • String Buffer class
  • String Builder class
  • Creating Immutable class
  • to String method
  • StringTokenizer class,
  • Multithreading : What and Why?
  • Life Cycle of a Thread
  • Creating Thread
  • Thread Schedular
  • Sleeping a thread
  • Joining a thread
  • Daemon Thread
  • Thread Pooling
  • Thread Group
  • ShutdownHook
  • Performing multiple task by multiple thread
  • Garbage Collection
  • Runnable class
About I/O Streams
  • I/O Streams
  • File I/O (Featuring NIO.2)
  • Byte Streams
  • Using Byte Streams
  • Character Streams
  • Using Character Streams
  • Line-Oriented I/O
  • Buffered Streams
  • Flushing Buffered Streams
  • Scanning
  • Breaking Input into Tokens
  • Translating Individual Tokens
  • I/O from the Command Line
  • The Console
  • Annotations
  • The Format of an Annotation
  • Predefined Annotation Types
  • Annotation Types Used by the Java Language
  • Annotations That Apply to Other Annotations
  • Type Annotations and Pluggable Type Systems
  • Repeating Annotations
  • Step 1: Declare a Repeatable Annotation Type
  • Step 2: Declare the Containing Annotation Type
  • Retrieving Annotations
  • Design Considerations
  • Lesson: Generics (Updated)
  • Arbitrary Number of Arguments
  • Formatting Numeric Print Output
  • Autoboxing and Unboxing
  • Socket Programming
  • URL class
  • Displaying data of a web page
  • InetAddress class
  • and DatagramPacket
  • Two way communication
AWT and Event Handling
  • AWT Controls
  • Event Handling by 3 ways
  • Event classes and Listener Interfaces
  • Adapter classes
  • Creating Games and Applications
  • Basics of Swing
  • JButton class
  • JRadioButton class
  • JTextArea class
  • JComboBox class
  • JTable class
  • JColorChooser class
  • JProgressBar class
  • JSlider class
  • Digital Watch
  • Graphics in swing
  • Displaying Image
  • Edit Menu for Notepad
  • Open Dialog Box
  • Creating Notepad
  • Creating Games and applications
Layout Managers
  • Border Layout
  • Grid Layout
  • Flow Layout
  • Box Layout
  • Card Layout
  • Life Cycle of Applet
  • Displaying image in Applet
  • Animation in Applet
  • Event Handling in Applet
  • JApplet class
  • Painting in Applet
  • Digital Clock in Applet
  • Analogue Clock in Applet
  • Parameter in Applet
  • Applet Communication
Reflection API
  • Reflection API
  • new Instance() & Determining the class object
  • javap tool
  • creating javap tool
  • creating applet viewer
  • Accessing private method from outside the class
Inner classes
  • Inner classes
  • Member classes
  • Local classes
  • Anonymous classes
  • Instance Initializers Blocks
  • Static Block
Collection Framework
  • Array List class
  • Linked List class
  • List Iterator interface
  • Hash Set class
  • Linked Hash Set class
  • Tree Set class
  • Priority Queue class
  • Array Deque class
  • Map interface
  • Hash Map class
  • Linked Hash Map class
  • Tree Map class
  • Hash table class
  • Comparable and Comparator
  • Properties class
Java Collections
  • The Collection Interfaces (list , set, Sorted set)
  • The collection classes(The array list, Linked list, Hash set, Tree set)
  • Accessing a Collection via an Iterator or for each loop
  • Working with maps
  • Working with Comparators
  • The Collection Algorithms
  • The Legacy Classes and Interfaces(Enumeration, Vector, Stack, Dictionary, Hash table)
  • Heaps and Priority Queues
  • GUI Components and Events
  • Mouse, keyboard, Sound, and images
  • Swings
  • AWT
  • Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC Drivers & Architecture
  • CRUD operations using JDBC
  • Connecting to non-conventional Database
  • Connection interface
  • Statement interface
  • Result Set interface
  • Prepared Statement
  • Result Set Meta Data
  • Database Meta Data
  • Storing image
  • Retrieving image
  • Storing file
  • Retrieving file
  • Stored procedures and functions
  • Transaction Management
  • Batch Processing
  • JDBC New Features
  • Mini Project
Basic Web Development Technology
  • HTML
  • CSS and CSS2
  • JavaScript, JQuery
Advance JDBC Programming
  • Overview of Database Driver Architecture
  • Introduction to JDBC Standard Extension API (javax.sql)
  • Connection Pooling
  • JDBC Programming with ORACLE, MYSQL, etc
  • Batch Processing
  • Connecting to non-conventional database
  • Use of Excel API
  • Database cashing(case study with HSDB, CSQL)
  • Working with multiple databases
  • Handling SQL escape syntax
  • Calling SQL functions, Database stored procedures
  • Dealing with Database metadata
  • Handling Binary Data(Operation on image file)
  • Type mapping and SQL3 Data types
Introduction to J2EE
  • J2EE Overview
  • Why J2EE?
  • J2EE Architecture
  • J2EE APIs
  • J2EE Containers
Basics Of Servlet
  • Servlet: What and Why?
  • Basics of Web
  • Servlet API
  • Servlet Interface
  • GenericServlet
  • HttpServlet
  • Servlet Life Cycle
  • Working with Apache Tomcat Server
  • Steps to create a servlet in Tomcat
  • How servlet works?
  • servlet in Myeclipse
  • servlet in Eclipse
  • servlet in Netbeans
Servlet Request
  • Servlet Request methods
  • Registration example with DB
Servlet Collaboration
  • Request Dispatcher
  • Send Redirect
Servlet Config
  • Servlet Config methods
  • Servlet Config example
Servlet Context
  • Servlet Context methods
  • LServlet Context example
  • How to set, get and remove example?
Session Tracking
  • Cookies
  • Hidden Form Field
  • URL Rewriting
  • HttpSession
  • Event and Listener
  • Filter
  • Authentication Filter
  • Filter Config
  • Useful examples
ServletInputStream and ServletOutputStream
  • Annotation Servlet
  • Project Development
  • JSP Architecture
  • Jsp engine
  • JSP Scripting Element
  • Expression tag
  • Declaration tag
  • Scriptlet tag
  • JSP Directives
  • Page
  • Include
  • taglib
  • JSP Actions tags
  • forword
  • JSP implicit Objects
  • Jsp with jdbc
  • Jsp with jdbc crud operation
  • Expression Language
  • Exception handling in JSP
  • Jsp useBean tags
  • Jsp MVC Model
JAVA Struts-2.0 Framework
  • MVC /Model2
  • Filter
  • Action
  • Result
  • Interceptors
  • Value stack, ONGC and DATA transfer
  • Action Context
  • Introducing Struts 2 actions
  • Packing your actions
  • Implementing Actions
  • Transferring data onto objects
  • Why intercept requests
  • Interceptors in actions
  • Surveying the built –in struts 2 interceptor
  • Building your own interceptor
  • Struts with jdbc
  • Struts with jdbc crud operation
  • Struts ui tags
  • Struts validation
  • Custom validation
  • Predefine validation
  • Hibernate Introduction
  • ORM Introduction
  • Advantage of Hibernate over JDBC
  • Hibernate Architecture
Methods related to Hibernate
  • CRUD operation through Hibernate
  • Configuration File introduction
  • Hibernate mapping
  • Lazy loading and initial Loading
Object’s Life Cycle
  • Introduction to Transient Object
  • Introduction to Persistence Object
  • Introduction to Detached Object
  • Generator Class
  • Assign Generator
  • Increment Generator
  • Sequence Generator
  • Hilo and Sequence Hilo Generator
  • GUID
  • Advantage of HQL over SQL
  • Named Queries
  • Positional and Named Parameter
  • Criteria
  • Criterion Interface
  • Expression
  • Order Class
  • Hibernate Aggregate Function
  • Native SQL
  • Projection
Relationships in Hibernate using Collection
  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to Many
  • Component
  • Hibernate Caching
  • Version and Timestamp
  • Formula
Spring Framework
  • Getting Start with Spring
  • Spring IOC (Inversion of Control)
  • Dependency Injection
  • Setter Injection
  • Constructor Injection
  • Auto wiring Concept
  • Introduction to Spring
  • Spring Module
  • Spring Application
  • Spring AOP (Aspect oriented Programming)
  • Introduction to AOP
  • Spring AspectJ Annotation and Spring AspectJ XML.
  • Spring JDBC
  • JDBC Template
  • Prepared Statement
  • Result Set Extractor
  • Row Map per
  • Named Parameter
  • Simple JDBC Template
  • Spring with ORM
  • Spring with Hibernate
  • Spring with JPA
  • Spring with iBatis
  • Spring MVC
  • Introduction of Spring MVC
  • MVC flow control
  • MVC Spring JDBC
  • Spring Integration with Velocity
  • Spring Integration with JSP
  • Spring integration with struts
  • Spring Validation
  • Spring with EJB
  • Spring with JavaMail
  • Spring with RMI
  • Project work on Spring MVC
  • Getting Start with JPA
  • Introduction of JPA ORM
  • Methods of JPA
  • JPA Object life cycle
  • JPQL
  • JNDI
  • Getting start with Java EJB
  • Introduction of Transaction logic
  • Session Bean
  • Stateless Session Bean
  • Stateful session bean
  • Message driven bean
  • Transaction management
  • Java Mail Api
  • JMS
  • Java Web Services
  • Live Project work

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