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PHP Training Institute & Best PHP Training Institute in Ghaziabad

Best PHP Training Institute in Ghaziabad

GALLANT Info provides best PHP training in Ghaziabad based on the current industry standards. At Gallant, we not only provide best training instead we also conduct placement drives for our students. Gallant is considered as PHP training institute in Ghaziabad because we help our students in securing their dream job in MNCs.

Gallant has lab facilities for the students that let them learn all the practical skills of PHP programming. PHP is one of the trending programming languages in market these days because it is much easier to code in PHP than in C, C++, and Java.

Gallant is PHP training institute in Ghaziabad because of the skilled trainers. PHP faculties at Gallant Info Solutions had already worked in the industry for years and some are still working. Because of their experience, they are able to plan a training strategy as per the market standards.

Features of PHP:

  • Language is rich in functionality
  • It is efficient and reliable language
  • PHP is used for dynamic web applications
  • It is a platform independent language
  • It is simple and faster
  • It holds Real-time access monitoring
  • It has the capability of error reporting
  • It is loosely typed language
  • It is secure, flexible and familiar.

Why choose GALLANT for PHP training?

  • It is best PHP training center in Ghaziabad
  • Highly skilled trainers for the students
  • Lab facilities for the practical training
  • Conducts placement drives for the students
  • Tie-ups with MNCS to get the students placed

There are so many training institutes in Ghaziabad that are offering PHP training with 100% placement guarantee. But, most of them do not bother to fulfill their promise at the end of the course. There is no such false promise made by Gallant Info Solution to the students. We will bring the best companies for you to get placed but it’s totally up to you to crack the interview session.

We organize the interview training session for our students to prepare them to crack the interview. If you will attend all the classes and interview training sessions with utmost dedication, you will definitely get placed in one of the good companies on your dream profile.

So, if you are willing to learn PHP from PHP training in Ghaziabad, then Gallant Info Solutions will be the right place for you.

  • Evaluation of Php
  • Basic Syntax
  • Defining variable and constant
  • Php Data type
  • Operator and Expression
Handling Html Form With Php
  • Capturing Form Data
  • Dealing with Multi-value filed
  • Generating File uploaded form
  • Redirecting a form after submission
Decisions and loop
  • Making Decisions
  • Doing Repetitive task with looping
  • Mixing Decisions and looping with Html
  • What is a function
  • Define a function
  • Call by value and Call by reference
  • Recursive function
  • Creating and accessing String
  • Searching & Replacing String
  • Formatting String
  • String Related Library function
  • Anatomy of an Array
  • Creating index based and Associative array
  • Accessing array Element
  • Looping with Index based array
  • Looping with associative array using each() and foreach()
  • Some useful Library function
Working with file and Directories
  • Understanding file& directory
  • Opening and closing a file
  • Coping ,renaming and deleting a file
  • Working with directories
  • Building a text editor
  • File Uploading & Downloading
State management
  • Using query string(URL rewriting)
  • Using Hidden field
  • Using cookies
  • Using session
String matching with regular expression
  • What is regular expression
  • Pattern matching in Php
  • Replacing text
  • Splitting a string with a Regular Expression
Database Connectivity with MySql
  • Introduction to RDBMS
  • Connection with MySql Database
  • Performing basic database operation(DML) (Insert, Delete, Update, Select)
  • Setting query parameter
  • Executing query
  • Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer Joins, Self joins.)
Advance PHP : Introduction of OOPS
  • Introduction
  • Objects
  • Declaring a class
  • The new keyword and constructor
  • Destructor
  • Access method and properties using $this variable
  • Public ,private, protected properties and methods
  • Static properties and method
  • Class constant
  • Inheritance & code re-usability
  • Polymorphism
  • Parent:: & self:: keyword
  • Instance of operator
  • Abstract method and class
  • Interface
  • Final
  • Namespace and Trait
Exception Handling
  • Understanding Exception and error
  • Try, catch, throw
  • Introduction to AJAX
  • PHP with AJAX
  • Working with database
  • Dashboard
  • Post
  • Media
  • Pages
  • Comments
  • Appearance
  • Plugins
  • Users
  • Tools
  • Setting
  • Theme Customization
  • Woo commerce
  • Theme Development
  • Plugin Development
  • Introduction to Ecommerce and Shopping Cart
  • Introduction to Opencart
  • Installation and Configuration of Opencart
  • Understanding Opencart extensions
  • Understanding the categories, product options
  • Usage of Controllers in Opencart
  • Usage of Models in Opencart
  • Usage of Views in Opencart
  • Relation between Model, View and Controller
  • Understanding Opencart plugins
  • Understanding Opencart themes
  • Payment processors
  • Project Examples and Roundup
  • Opencart custom page creation for admin and front also
  • Opencart Module development
  • Introduction to Content Management System
  • Introduction to Magento
  • Introduction to Xampp
  • Xampp Installation
  • Magento Installation
  • Login to the Magento Administrator
  • Magento Overview
  • Website store
  •  Categories
  •  Catalogs
  •  Products
  •  Theme
  •  Sales Configuration
  •  Payment methods
  •  Shipping methods
  •  Emails
  • Website Frontend
  •  Pages
  •  Blocks
  •  Widgets
  •  Layout customization
  •  Website configuration
  • Magento Tools
  • Magento – Cron
  • Magento Extensions
  • Magento Website Creation
  • What is Codeigniter
  • Introduction to the MVC pattern in Codeigniter
  • Installing Codeigniter
  • Creating Static Page Controller
  • Generating Output with the view
  • Introduction to the Models
  • Modeling in Codeigniter
  • Displaying the output using models
  • Introducing codeigniter libraries
  • Creating Forms
  • Validation in Forms
  • Security in input forms
  • Displaying the Output using libraries
  • Using Helpers
  • Output data using helpers
  • Introduction of Laravel4
  • Laravel 4 MVC
  • Laravel 4 routing
  • SInstalling Composer and Command line tool
  • Blade essentials
  • Resource Controllers
  • Laravel 4 Route groups and filters
  • Working with Database
  • Eloquent CRUD
  • Laravel 4 Query Builder
  • Eloquent relations
  • Laravel 4 Migrations
  • Laravel 4 Database Seeding
  • Forms and Validation
  • Setting up laravel form
  • Validation a form
  • Creating Admin Post Resource
  • Creating a Frontend
  • Setting up the Blog
  • Securing the admin panel
  • Handling routing
  • Establishing an HTML View
  • Creating Tables with Schema Builder
  • Enabling Version Control with Migrations
  • Querying with eloquent ORM
  • Displaying Laravel Code
  • Working with Blade Templating
  • UDefining Conditions
  • Integrating form elements
  • Setting up Authentication
  • Creating a registration form
  • Securing Content
  • Authenticating users in Laravel Application
Cake PHP
  • Cake Php Installing and Running Cake Php
  • PHP Creating a To-Do List Application
  • Naming Files and Designing the Database
  • Creating Simple Views and Baking in the Console
  • Customizing Views
  • Working with Controllers and Models
  • Implementing Ajax Features
  • Helpers
  • Routes
  • Components and Utilities
  • Vendors
  • Plugins
  • Data Sources and Behaviors
  • Wrapping Up the Application

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