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Best Training Institute & Best Training Institute in Ghaziabad

Core .Net Training Institute in Ghaziabad

GALLANT Info Asp.Net is a framework that is used to develop internet based applications. It is cross-platform and high performance framework. With, we can develop cloud based applications as well. GALLANT provides training in Ghaziabad.

Asp.Net is mostly used to design and develop web applications. At Gallant, we also provide job assistance to our students; therefore it holds the tag of best training institute in Ghaziabad.

Features of Asp.Net training:

  • It can develop cloud-based and IOT applications.
  • It is one of the trending technologies in market.
  • MNCs are offering good salary package to fresher with Asp.Net skills and knowledge.
  • It has the ability to run on MAC, IOS, and Linux.

Benefits of ASP.Net training from Gallant:

  • Training from skilled and experienced trainers of
  • We have separate placement cell that constantly work for recruitment of students.
  • We organize doubt sessions other than regular classes.
  • We have lab facilities available for the practical implementation of theoretical concepts.

GALLANT Info You are here because you were searching for training institute in Ghaziabad and your search ends here. Join Gallant for best training with job assistance to get your dream job.

Mini tour to .NET
  • Why .NET
  • What is .net Frameworks
  • Feature of .net
  • Architecture of .net
  • What is MSIL
  • Managed and unmanaged code
  • Understanding CLR
  • What is CTS and CLS
  • What is JIT compiler
  • Role of JIT compiler in .net
  • Understanding cross language platform
  • What is .dll and .exe
  • What is assembly
  • Types of assembly
  • What is GAC
  • And more…
Data Type in C#
  • Value type
  • Reference type
  • What is heap memory
  • What is stack and heap memory
  • Understanding implicit and explicit
  • And more…
Introduction to C#
  • Why is C#?
  • Feature’s of C#
  • Advantage of C# over C++
  • What is Namespace
  • Control statements
  • Switch case
  • Looping
  • Difference b/w for and foreach loop
  • And more…
Oops Concept
  • Class
  • Instances
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
Class and instances
  • What is Class
  • What is instances
  • Create instance of Class
  • Data field in Class
  • Methods in Class
Function in C#
  • What is function
  • What is encapsulation
  • What is delegates and event
  • Type of delegate
  • What is Inheritance
  • Types of inheritances
  • Application of inheritances
  • Why multiple inheritance is not supported in C#
  • What is sealed keyword
  • What is polymorphism
  • Type of polymorphism
  • Compiled time polymorphism
  • Runtime polymorphism
  • Polymorphism interaction with real world
Interface uses
  • Why interface
  • Need of Interface
  • Implementation of multiple Inheritance
  • Why method in interface are public
Generic and Type-safe collection
  • Array List
  • Hash Tablek
  • Stack
  • Queue
  • Dictionary
  • System.Array
  • Append file mode
Exception Handling in C#
  • Why we use exception handling
  • Types of exception
  • What is exception Class
  • What are subClasses of execution Class
  • Understand try, catch, throw, finally keyword
  • Using multiple catch block with try block
  • Create custom exception
  • Application of finally block
  • What is delegate
  • Need of delegate
  • Types of delegate
  • Single cast delegate
  • Multi cast delegate
  • Generic delegate
  • Event handling with delegate
  • What is reflection
  • Use of reflection
  • Using System.Reflection namespace
  • Diagnose a Class or assembly
  • Working with Fieldinfo
  • Working with PropertieInfo
  • Working with MethodInfo
  • Working with ConstructorInfo
  • Application of reflection
  • What is serialization
  • Need of serializations
  • System.Serialization
  • Serialized an object into XML file
  • Deserialized an XML file
  • Serialized an object into .txt file
  • Deserialized an .txt file
  • Why multithreading
  • Needs of multithreading
  • Understanding multiprocessing
  • Understanding multitasking
  • Working with sleep method
  • Working with thread Classes
  • What is thread priority and types
  • Working with high, normal and low priority
File Handling
  • What is System.IO
  • Creating file from C# program
  • Reading date from file in C# program
  • Use of streamReader Class
  • Use of stream writer Class
  • Understanding file mode
  • Open file mode
  • Create open file mode
MS SQL Server
  • What is MS-Sql Server
  • Difference b/w MS-Sql server and Sql
  • What is DDL, DML, TCL and etc.
  • What are constraints
  • What is primary key
  • What is unique key
  • Difference b/w primary key and unique key
  • What are clauses
  • Working with where, Top, AND, OR, Like, group by, order by, having ,count and more…
  • What is foreign key
  • Application of foreign key
  • Working with alter command
  • What is aggregate function
  • What is string function
  • Nested query
  • What is Join query
  • Working with inner join, left join, right join, self join
  • Types of join
  • Application of joins
  • What SQL/PL
  • Create function
  • Creating cursor
  • Creating views
  • Creating trigger
Architecture of ADO.Net
  • Introduction to
  • Differences b/w ADO and ADO.Net
  • What is Connection string
  • What SqlCommand Class and it’s parameter
  • What is SqlDataAdapter Class
  • What is DataSet Class
  • Transaction Class
  • Transaction
  • RollBack
  • Commit
Connected approach
  • Working with SqlCommand
  • Working with ExecuteNonQuery
  • Working with ExecuteScaler
  • Working with ExecuteReader
Operation with database
  • Insert operation in database
  • Delete operation in database
  • Update operation in database
  • Searching operation in database
Disconnected approach
  • Working with SqlDataAdapter
  • Fetching data with SqlDataAdapter

HTTP Cookies

  • Introduction
  • What is windows application and web applications
  • Advantage web applications over windows
  • Why
  • What is only asp?
  • Differences b/w asp and
  • What are web server’s
  • What is IIS server
  • Feature of IIS
  • What is web pages and types of web pages
  • Static web pages and dynamic web pages
  • What is web form
  • Working with web form
  • Understanding page life cycle
  • Handling page requesting
  • Http request object
  • Understanding post back
  • Auto event wire up
  • Tracing and debugging page
Introduction to HTML, CSS and Java script
  • What is HTML
  • Uses of HTML
  • Types of tag’s in HTML
  • Container tag and empty tag
  • Working width div, tables
  • What is CSS
  • CSS stands for?
  • Types of CS
  • Inline, internal, external CSS
  • Application of CSS
  • What is JS?
  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Why JavaScript
  • JavaScript using for validate controls
  • JavaScript for client side scripting
  • Accessing control in JavaScript
  • And more…
Types of controls in
  • Text Box
  • Button
  • Check Box
  • Check Box List
  • Radio Button
  • Radio Button List
  • Image control
  • Image Button
  • DropdownList control
  • Add rotator
  • Multi view and views
  • File upload
  • Literal control
  • Panel
  • Calenderer
  • And more…
Creating some modules in
  • Registration page
  • Update details
  • Delete details
  • Searching record
  • Login from database
  • Upload a images in database
  • Fetching record with images from databases
State Management Technique in
  • Why state management?
  • Needs of state management
  • Types of state management
  • Server side (session and application)
  • Client side (cookies, query string and view state)
Session variable
  • What is session variable
  • Scope of session variable
  • Default time out of session
  • Time out setting up in web.cofig file
  • Session mode in web.cofig file
  • InProc mode
  • Off mode
  • Sql Server mode
  • Understanding cookies less session
Application variable
  • What is application variable
  • Differences b/w session and application variable
  • Scope of application variable
  • When application variable will be clear
HTTP Cookies
  • What is cookies
  • Need of cookies
  • Types of cookies
  • Persistence cookies
  • Non-persistence cookies
  • Store value in cookies
  • Set expire time to cookies
  • How to clear persistence cookies from browser
Query string
  • What is query string
  • Syntax of query string
  • Advantage and disadvantage of query string
  • What is query string is not safe for personal data like user id and password
View State
  • What is view state
  • Understanding view state
  • Scope of view state
  • Uses of view state
  • Set and retrieve value from view state variable
Grid view (formatted)
  • Data bound with grid view
  • Data bound with SqlDataApter and SqlDataSource Tool
  • Working with paging feature of grid view
  • Insert operation in grid view
  • Delete operation in grid view
  • Update operation in grid view
  • Displaying images in grid view
Repeater (unformatted)
  • What is repeater control
  • Differences b/w grid view and repeater
  • Understanding event of repeater
  • Create event of repeater
  • Working with header template
  • Working with item template
  • Working with footer template
Form view (unformatted)
  • What is form view
  • Difference b/w repeater and form view
  • Working with template
  • Working with form view event
  • Advantage of form view
Data List (unformatted)
  • Working with Data List
  • Working with event of Data List
Details view (formatted)
  • What is details view
  • Advantage of details view
  • Working with template
  • Event of details view
Validation controls
  • Why validation control
  • Needs of validation control
  • Types of validation in
  • Properties of validation controls
  • Working with required validation
  • Working with range validation
  • Working with regular expression control
  • Working with custom validation
  • Working with compare validation
Navigation control Site map
  • Define a site map file
  • Use a site map
  • Binding a site map
Tree view
  • Property of tree view
  • Define a node relation
  • Binding with site map
  • Menu control
  • Property of menu view
  • Define an item relation
  • Binding with site map
Master pages
  • Why master pages in
  • Need of master pages
  • What is content place holder
  • Need of content place holder in master page
  • Design master pages
  • Using CSS in master pages
  • Using CSS in master pages
  • Create nested master pages
Caching in
  • What is caching
  • Needs of caching
  • Types of caching
  • Understanding cache directive
  • Attributes of cache directive
  • What is output parameter
  • What is var by param
  • What is time duration and local setting Working with page caching
  • Working with partial caching
  • Using Post Cache Substitution & Fragment
  • HTTPCachePolicy Class in caching
  • Working with object/data caching
Skin- theme
  • What is themes in
  • Create themes in
  • Creating style sheet
  • Apply style sheet
  • Creating rules
  • Creating elements setting
  • Create dynamic theme and apply it
Ajax in
  • Why ajax in
  • Need of ajax in
  • What is script manager
  • Working of script manager
  • Working with update panel
  • Working with timer control in ajax
  • What is progress control in ajax
  • Creating progress bar in ajax
Security Concept in
  • What is security concepts
  • Authentication & Authorization
  • Define a form base security
  • Applying security
  • Form authentication Class and their methods
  • Forms-based Authentication Memberships
  • Declare user into web configuration
  • Apply password formats
  • Authorizing Users and Roles
User and Login controls
  • Create user wizard
  • Adding member to user control
  • Registering user controls
  • Change password
  • Login
  • Login Name
  • Login status
  • Login view
  • Password recovery
Assembly Concept in .net
  • What is .net assembly
  • Understanding .exe and .dll
  • Types of assembly
  • What GAC
  • What is util-i
  • What is util-u
  • Public assembly
  • Private assembly
  • Shared assembly
  • Static assembly
  • Versioning of a single assembly
  • What is .dll hell problem in assembly
Reporting tools
  • Installing crystal report
  • Add crystal report to web form
  • Design an crystal report
  • Bind crystal report with database with crystal report source control
  • Bind crystal report with database by
  • Creating dynamic crystal report
Ajax Control Toolkitt
  • Why Ajax Control Toolkit
  • Downloading Ajax Control Toolkit
  • Install Ajax Control Toolkit
  • Roll of ToolScript Manager
  • Difference b/w script manager and toolkit script manager
  • Working with calendar extender
  • Working with filtered extender Working with TextBoxWaterExtender, PopupExtender, Password strength, slider Extender and more….

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  • JlBD8