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Best Web Designing Training Institute & Best Web Designing Training Institute in Ghaziabad

Best Web Designing Training Institute in Ghaziabad

GALLANT Info is the best web designing institute in Ghaziabad. At Gallant, we have real-time trainers having 4 to 8 years of experience. Gallant is best web designing center in Ghaziabad because we include HTML5, CSS3, and Photoshop etc. in our web designing curriculum. All the mentioned topics are extremely important and trending in industry in current time.

We make to update our curriculum with current industry standards to make our students capable of learning the latest technology. We include all the latest versions of the technology so that our students can make their place in today’s competitive world.

GALLANT not only provides best web designing training instead we make sure that our all students get placed after the successful completion of the web designing course. We have tie-ups with MNCs to conduct placement drive at our place and recruit our students.

Web Designing is an integral part of IT industry that can never lose its importance. A web designer is the one who create the look and feel of the website. User only visits the website if he/she feels that the look and feel of the website is prominent.

Features of Web Designing:

  • Eye-Catching Content for website.
  • Visual appearance can overcome some technical problems of your website.
  • Photoshop can change appearance your images.
  • Using HTML for website designing is always the best option rather than using other CMS.

Why Gallant for Website Designing?

  • We provide 100% job assistance.
  • Our trainers have experience of 4-8 years.
  • Lab facilities are available for implementing the practical.
  • We conduct doubt sessions other than regular classes.
  • We also provide training sessions for cracking interviews.

You are here because you must be in search of web designing training institute in Ghaziabad, your search ends here. GALLANT will provide you the web designing training in Ghaziabad along with job assistance.

Introduction of Web Designing
  • What is World Wide Web?
  • Why Create a Website?
  • Web Standards
  • Audience Requirements
Introduction to HTML and HTML 5
  • What is HTML?
  • HTML Documents
  • Basic Structure of an HTML documents
  • Markup tags
  • Heading-Paragraphs
  • Line Breaks
  • HTML Tags
Elements of HTML:
  • Introduction to elements of HTML
  • Work with Lists, Tables and Frames
  • Working with Lists, Tables and Frames
  • Working with Hyperlinks and images
  • Working with forms
CSS: Introduction to cascading style sheet
  • Concept of css
  • Creating Style Sheet
  • CSS Properties
  • Css Styling (Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts)
  • Working with block elements
  • Working with Lists and Tables
  • CSS Id and Class
  • Box Model (Introduction, Border-Properties, Padding Properties, Margin Properties)
  • Css Advanced (Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning, Floating, Align, Pseudo Class, Navigation Bar, Attributes Selector)
  • Css Color
  • Creating page Layout and Site Designs
  • Introduction
  • Syntax of Javascript
  • JavaScript Statement
  • JavaScript Datatype and Variable
  • Operators
  • Conditional Statement
  • Loop
  • Array
  • Functions
  • HTML DOM (Document Object Model) Events
  • Numbers and Math
  • BOM (Browser Object Model)
  • Popup and Dialog Boxes
  • Cookies
  • Using Geolocation and Web Storage Javascript APIs
  • Exception Handling
  • Form Validation
  • Regular Expressions
  • Oops in Javascript
  • o Constructor Pattern
  • o Factory Pattern
  • o Prototype Pattern
  • Introduction and Installation
  • Syntax
  • Jquery Selectors
  • SJquery Events
  • Jquery Effects
  • Jquery Callbacks
  • Jquery and HTML
  • o Jquery Get
  • o Jquery Set
  • o Jquery Add
  • o Jquery Remove
  • o Jquery Css
  • o Jquery Width and Height
  • Jquery UI
  • o Accordion
  • o Datepicker
  • o Slider
  • o Progressbar
  • o Tabs
  • Jquery Ajax
  • o What is ajax?
  • o Ajax: The Basics
  • o Ajax the jquery way
Angular JS
  • Angular JS Introduction
  • Execution Flow
  • Controllers
  • Bootstrapping Angular APPS
  • Data Binding
  • Understanding Angular JS Architecture
  • Dependency Injection
  • Expression
  • Directives
  • Filters
  • Events
  • Modules
  • Angular JS XMLHttpRequest(AJAX)
  • Angular JS Form and Input Validation
  • Angular JS Service Types
  • Single Page Applications
  • Rest API Calls
  • Animation
  • Angular Js 2.X Overview
  • Introduction
  • Bootstrap Basics
  • A. Global Styles
  • B. Grid System
  • Bootstrap Typography
  • Globals and Blocks
  • A. Inline Elements
  • B. Alignment
  • C. Lists
  • D. Tables
  • Bootstrap Forms
  • Inline Forms
  • A. Horizontal Forms
  • B. Input Types
  • C. Buttons
  • Images, Helper Classes, Utilities
  • Images
  • A. Other Helper Classes
  • B. Responsive Utilities
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Glyphicons
  • A. Drop-down Menus
  • B. Navigation Elements
  • C. Breadcrumbs
  • D. Pagination
  • E. Labels
  • F. Badges
  • G. Jumbotron
  • H. Page Header
  • I. Thumbnails
  • J. Alerts
  • K. Progress Bars
  • L. Media Objects
  • M. List Group
  • N. Panels
  • O. Responsive Embed
  • P. Wells
  • Bootstrap JavaScript Plugins
  • Events
  • A. Modals
  • B. Dropdown
  • C. Scrollspy
  • D. Tabs
  • E. Popover
  • F. Alerts
  • G. Buttons
  • H. Collapse
  • I. Carousel
  • J. Affix
Designing Software : Photoshop
  • Introduction
  • Painting
  • Basic Selection Techniques
  • Working with Layers
  • Working with colours
  • Saving Your Work
  • Sizing
  • Identifying Colours and Selections
  • Cutouts
  • Working with External Files
  • Correcting and Enhancing Images
  • Intermediate-level layers
  • Type
  • Effects
  • Retouching Images

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