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Advance .Net Training

Advance .Net Training Institute in Ghaziabad
  • What is Linq
  • Linq stand for?
  • Linq architecture
  • Linq advantage over
  • Understanding the role of linq
  • Linq query expression
  • Linq and non generic collection
  • Linq and generic collection
  • Linq to sql
  • Linq to DataSet
  • Linq to Object
  • Linq to Xml
  • Plinq
Entity frame work (EF)
  • Why entity framework
  • Advantage over Linq
  • Understanding ORM concept
  • Conceptual schema definition languages (CSDL)
  • Store schema definition languages (SSDL)
  • Mapping specification language (MSL)
  • Types of approach in entity frame work
  • Schema first
  • Model first
  • Code first
  • Insert, delete, update, operation with entity framework
  • Procedure mapping
Web services
  • What is web services
  • Architecture of web services
  • What is SOAP
  • Understanding web method attributes
  • What is WSDL
  • Creating web services
Windows Communication Foundation
  • Why WCF
  • Architecture of WCF
  • Advantage of WCF over web services
  • What is ABC
  • ABC stands for?
  • What is END point in WCF
  • What are contract in WCF
  • Types of contract in WCF
  • Create WCF services
  • Consume WCF services in web and windows application
  • Type of Binding
  • BasicHttpBinding
  • WSHttpBinding
  • WSDualHttpBinding and moreā€¦
  • Instance management technique
  • Per-call
  • Per-session
  • Single-ton
  • Self hosting in WCF
  • Transaction
  • Security and encryptions in WCF
  • What is web api
  • Feature of web API over WCF
  • Creating web API
  • Working with HTTP verbs like
  • Get
  • Post
  • Put
  • Delete
  • Implement web API same or another web API application
Window Presentation Foundation (WPF)
  • Introduction to WPF
  • WPF over windows form
  • Introduction to XAML
  • Advantage of XAML
  • Intro to software rendering
  • Intro to hard rendering
  • Layouts
  • Controls
  • Designing
  • Data Binding
  • Resource Dictionary
  • Use of Setter
  • Use of Cursor
  • Animation
  • What is direct X
  • Tier of direct X
  • Tier 0
  • Tier 1
  • Tier 2
  • Animation with animation classes
Model View Control (MVC) 5.0
  • Introduction
  • Use of MVC
  • Difference b/w MVC and ASP.NET
  • Creating a Master Page
  • Creating a Model
  • Creating a View
  • Manage the Model and View using Control
  • Using EDM[Entity Database Module
  • Routing and url in mvc
  • Controller and actions
  • Views engine
  • Form collection in mvc
Angular JS Introduction
  • Setting up angular JS environment
  • Advantage of angular JS
  • Module and controller
  • Creating controller, Models and views
  • Building Web API
  • Services
  • Routing
  • Setting up database
  • CRUD operation in Angular JS
Bootstrap Introduction
  • Setting up bootstrap
  • Understanding bootstrap
  • Advantage of bootstrap
  • Classes in bootstrap
  • Grid system in bootstrap
  • Working with bootstrap

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