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Best C C++ Training Institute & Best C C++ Training Institute in Ghaziabad

Best C C++ Training Institute in Ghaziabad

GALLANT Info Whenever a student is willing to learn any programming language, most of the people suggest him to start with C and C++ so GALLANT offer C&C++ training in Ghaziabad. The reason behind is that C and C++ is the base for any programming language. Structures and syntax used in these two programming languages are used in others as well. The complexity of C and C++ is quite high as compared to other languages, therefore most of the functions and syntax of both are used in every existing programming language.

If you are willing to join C and C++ course from expert trainers, then GALLANT is the best C&C++ training institute in Ghaziabad.

GALLANT is C&C++ training centre in Ghaziabad. At GALLANT, Trainers providing C and C++ training had already worked on these languages in the corporate. They have experience of real time projects and the curriculum is designed accordingly

There are some differences between C and C++:

  • C is a procedural programming language while C++ is the combination of procedural and object oriented programming language.
  • C is considered as the subset of C++.
  • C is function driven language while C++ is object driven language.
  • C does not support functions and reference variable, while C++ supports both of them.
  • C does not support polymorphism, inheritance, and encapsulation, while C++ supports all of them.
  • Due to the absence of encapsulation, C does not support information hiding while C++ supports the same.
  • C uses Scanf and Printf function for Input/Output while C++ uses cin and cout for Input/Output.

Well, after going through the above mentioned differences between C and C++, it can be clearly stated that C code can be run in C++ but vice-versa is not possible.

Learning C and C++ initially will make you understand the programming concepts more clearly. After that, learning Java, php, Android and other programming languages will be easy for the students so that join C&C++ training institute in Ghaziabad.

GALLANT Info is C&C++ coaching in Ghaziabad. As mentioned above, C is a procedural language while C++ is procedural as well as object oriented language. The combination of procedural and object oriented makes C++ more advantageous for programmers as compared to C.

Also, C does not supports information hiding therefore, validation can easily be performed in C++. Securing passwords other crucial information is more secure in C++ as compared to C.

Introduction of C
  • Why C
  • Feature of C
  • C is procedural language
  • Difference b/w interpreter and compiler
Overview of C
  • Data type , variable
  • Operators and uses
  • Preprocessor directives
  • Deference b/w .C/.CPP
  • Run c program without header file (turbo)
Input Output Operation
  • What is Header file
  • Types of Header file
  • Creating custom Header file
  • Applying custom Header file
  • printf()
  • scanf()
Control Statement
  • If
  • If-else
  • If-esle if
  • Nested if
  • Switch statement
  • Difference b/w if and switch statements
  • Nested Switch
  • What is Loops
  • Types of Loops
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Do-While Loop
  • What is array
  • Understanding indexing of array
  • Memory Allocation of array
  • Subscript range of Array
  • One dimention
  • Two dimention
  • Multi dimention
  • Operation of Array
  • What is string
  • Represantation of String in C
  • Understanding null character
  • String Manipulation
  • Subscript range of String
  • String function
  • Operation of String
  • What is Pointer
  • User of Pointers
  • syntax and structur of Pointer
  • Storing address/refernce in Pointer
  • Pointer with Array
  • Pointer with String
  • Pointer with Structure
  • What is function
  • Defination and types
  • Default function
  • Call by value function
  • Call by refernce function
  • Recursion function
  • function with Array
  • What is Structure
  • Application of Structure
  • What is Object
  • What is (.) Operator
  • Data Member in Structure
  • Array of Structure object
  • Structure with Pointer
  • What is Union
  • Difference b/w Structure and Union
  • Operation on Union
Introduction of C++
  • Why of C++
  • Feature of C++
  • Advantage of C++
  • Difference b/w C and C++
  • Understanding OOPS Concept
  • Need of OOPS
OOPS Concept
  • Class
  • Object
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Data Binding
Classes and Objects
  • What is Class
  • What is Object
  • Creating Objects of Class
  • Calling data member and member function with object
Access modifier
  • What is access modifier
  • Public
  • Private
  • Protected
Scope resolutions(::)
  • What is Scope resolutions operator
  • (::) using with variable
  • (::) using with classes
  • (::) using in file handling
Constructors And Destructors
  • What is Constructor
  • Use of Constructor
  • Type of Constructor
  • Default Constructor
  • Parameterized Constructers
  • Copy Constructor
  • Multiple Constructors in a Class
  • Destructors
  • What is Polymorphism
  • Types of Polymorphism
  • Function Overloading
  • Operator Overloading
  • Virtual Keyword
  • What is inheritance
  • Types of inheritance
  • Need of inheritance
  • single level inheritance
  • Multi-level inheritance
  • Multiple inheritance
  • Hybrid inheritance
  • Hierarchical inheritance
  • Virtual base class
  • Abstract class
  • Nesting classes
Exception handling
  • Why exception handling
  • Need of exception handling
  • Understanding try, catch, throw
  • Multiple catches
  • Why Template
  • Use of Template
  • Class Template
  • function Template
File handling
  • Why file handling
  • Fstream header file
  • Ifstream
  • Ofstream
  • Open close file object
  • Using write and read function
  • Insert operation
  • Read operation
  • Search operation
  • Update operation
  • Delete operation

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