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Advance PHP Training & Best Advance PHP Training Institute in Ghaziabad

PHP Advance Training Institute in Ghaziabad

GALLANT Info, PHP is one of the trending programming languages that have overtaken many programming languages since years. Gallant provides best advance PHP training in Ghaziabad. With core php concepts, one can design websites at very standard level instead advance php is used to design and develop websites at standard level.

Benefits of Advance PHP training:

  • There are some advance concepts that makes the programming with PHP more easy and secure.
  • Small and big companies are frequently working with PHP collaborating with relevant CMS.
  • php developers are hired by IT companies at good salary packages if concepts are polished.
  • Websites are designed with cost-effective manner.

Why GALLANT Info is best for advance php training in Ghaziabad

  • We have separate placement cell for students’ recruitment.
  • We have lab facilities available for practical implementation.
  • We have skilled trainers that are working in PHP industry from long time.
  • Students can ask for doubt classes whenever they are required.

You are willing to get certified from a renowned advance php training institute in Ghaziabad. Gallant offers several advantages for IT students to secure their dream job in good companies. Join us to get the best learning experience.

Introduction of OOPS
  • Introduction
  • Objects
  • Declaring a class
  • The new keyword and constructor
  • Destructor
  • Access method and properties using $this variable
  • Public ,private, protected properties and methods
  • Static properties and method
  • Class constant
  • Inheritance & code re-usability
  • Polymorphism
  • Parent:: & self:: keyword
  • Instance of operator
  • Abstract method and class
  • Interface
  • Final
  • Namespace and Trait
Exception Handling
  • Understanding Exception and error
  • Try, catch, throw
  • Introduction to AJAX
  • PHP with AJAX
  • Working with database
  • Dashboard
  • Post
  • Media
  • Pages
  • Comments
  • Appearance
  • Plugins
  • Users
  • Tools
  • Setting
  • Theme Customization
  • Woo commerce
  • Theme Development
  • Plugin Development
  • Introduction to Ecommerce and Shopping Cart
  • Introduction to Opencart
  • Installation and Configuration of Opencart
  • Understanding Opencart extensions
  • Understanding the categories, product options
  • Usage of Controllers in Opencart
  • Usage of Models in Opencart
  • Usage of Views in Opencart
  • Relation between Model, View and Controller
  • Understanding Opencart plugins
  • Understanding Opencart themes
  • Payment processors
  • Project Examples and Roundup
  • Opencart custom page creation for admin and front also
  • Opencart Module development
  • Introduction to Content Management System
  • Introduction to Magento
  • Introduction to Xampp
  • Xampp Installation
  • Magento Installation
  • Login to the Magento Administrator
  • Magento Overview
  • Website store
  • Categories
  • Catalogs
  • Products
  • Theme
  • Sales Configuration
  • Payment methods
  • Shipping methods
  • Emails
  • Website Frontend
  • Pages
  • Blocks
  • Widgets
  • Layout customization
  • Website configuration
  • Magento Tools
  • Magento – Cron
  • Magento Extensions
  • Magento Website Creation
  • What is Codeigniter
  • Introduction to the MVC pattern in Codeigniter
  • Installing Codeigniter
  • Creating Static Page Controller
  • Generating Output with the view
  • Introduction to the Models
  • Modeling in Codeigniter
  • Displaying the output using models
  • Introducing codeigniter libraries
  • Creating Forms
  • Validation in Forms
  • Security in input forms
  • Displaying the Output using libraries
  • Using Helpers
  • Output data using helpers
  • Introduction of Laravel4
  • Laravel 4 MVC
  • Laravel 4 routing
  • SInstalling Composer and Command line tool
  • Blade essentials
  • Resource Controllers
  • Laravel 4 Route groups and filters
  • Working with Database
  • Eloquent CRUD
  • Laravel 4 Query Builder
  • Eloquent relations
  • Laravel 4 Migrations
  • Laravel 4 Database Seeding
  • Forms and Validation
  • Setting up laravel form
  • Validation a form
  • Creating Admin Post Resource
  • Creating a Frontend
  • Setting up the Blog
  • Securing the admin panel
  • Handling routing
  • Establishing an HTML View
  • Creating Tables with Schema Builder
  • Enabling Version Control with Migrations
  • Querying with eloquent ORM
  • Displaying Laravel Code
  • Working with Blade Templating
  • UDefining Conditions
  • Integrating form elements
  • Setting up Authentication
  • Creating a registration form
  • Securing Content
  • Authenticating users in Laravel Application
Cake PHP
  • Cake Php Installing and Running Cake Php
  • PHP Creating a To-Do List Application
  • Naming Files and Designing the Database
  • Creating Simple Views and Baking in the Console
  • Customizing Views
  • Working with Controllers and Models
  • Implementing Ajax Features
  • Helpers
  • Routes
  • Components and Utilities
  • Vendors
  • Plugins
  • Data Sources and Behaviors
  • Wrapping Up the Application

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